以莫奈笔下法式花园为灵感原点, 轻甜风法式文艺扑面而来, 天蓝色棉麻长裙搭配荷叶边点缀, 像极了油画里走出的童话公主, 摄影师选用大片繁花做背景道具, 清新感雏菊花卉妆点和花环发箍 极具清新感文艺感,温柔而甜美, 油画感的高饱和绚丽色调, 让整个画面显得明媚而极富诗意, 这组写真绝对是浪漫初夏的首选风格。
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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