兔年怎么能不拍兔兔呢?《萌兔家族》这套全家福以2023生肖兔为创作灵感,红毛衣,红气球,专属于兔年的春节仪式感,纯色背景更突出人物情绪,画面简约活泼却又不失喜庆,非常适合90后家庭拍摄哦~ 手作大师定制款大白兔,仿真毛的使用,环保有质感,零甲醛A类材质制作,从细节出守护宝贝的健康,一客一用一消毒,所以麻麻们请放心选择放心拍哦~ 红色亲子毛线针织衫,搭配白色蕾丝刺绣娃娃领,童话感满满,宝贝和爸爸妈妈的有爱互动,每一帧都不禁让人心生羡慕,2023一定要拍这样一组全家福哦~
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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